Reduce Winter Feeding with Stockpiled Forage and Winter Pasture
Friday, August 26 2019
Would you prefer to feed hay for 60 days? 100 days? or 150 days?
Here’s an opportunity to learn how to significantly reduce your hay feeding needs.
Topics Include:
- Stockpiled forage: management and utilization
- How many acres do you need of stockpiled forage and winter pasture?
- Cool-season forages and variety selection
- Establishment and fertilization
- Grazing and utilization strategies
- Monthly and seasonal forage production potential
- Appropriate mineral supplementation
- Estimated costs
Register before August 25th at 12:00 PM: $35/person
Electronic copies of slides and other program materials will be available prior to the program
All sessions will be recorded and available for later viewing for those that register.
Register online at:
Vanessa Corriher-Olson
Forage Extension Specialist
Soil & Crop Sciences
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Overton, TX