Buttercup (Ranunculus species): One of the many yellow flowering weeds that we fight in pastures and hay meadows. Buttercup is a winter annual that thrives in weak or thin pastures. There are several species of this winter annual. They differ mainly in leaf shape and growth, but all produce characteristic bright yellow blossoms. March to early April is the best time to kill buttercup. The goal is to spray buttercup before bloom.
Fertilizing and liming to soil test recommendations and efficient utilization of pastures or hay fields are the primary ways to decrease weed pressure.
Select Herbicide Options:
2, 4-D Amine
GrazonNext HL
Grazon P+D
Chaparral (for bermudagrass pastures, will destroy bahiagrass)
Pastora (for bermudagrass pastures, will destroy bahiagrass)
REMEMBER: THE LABEL IS THE LAW! Always read the pesticide label before using.
Vanessa Corriher-Olson
Forage Extension Specialist
Soil & Crop Sciences
Overton, TX
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
Texas A&M University System